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Wednesday 3 February 2010

The Blogger Toolkit

I have a confession to make . . . I haven't blogged on this site for a very long time. I guess I got busy. I have however, been diligently blogging on the Sutherland Shire Libraries staff news blog. For the record I work there - I don't just go around randomly breaking into people's blogs. I am in a reference training position and part of my job is to publish a newsletter about all the different services, web sites, books in reference etc. When I started this position (inspired by the web 2.0 training) I started to blog the articles rather than produce a print copy. My idea behind this was to allow other staff to comment and share knowledge on blog posts. Unfortunately this has been difficult to encourage and the response hasn't been great. However, I'm stubborn and determined to keep trying to make it catch on.

I also used Facebook notes recently to keep a travel diary when I was overseas. This got a surprisingly good response with many people calling for the next installment. Facebook notes, by the way, is a little similar to blogging in that it can be used like an online log. You can write just about anything on there.

I'm a little ashamed that I do not always comment on other's blog posts, however I try and make an effort to comment on our staff blog as often as I can. I think blogging is a fantastic knowledge sharing tool and we can learn so much from other Library and Information workers worldwide if we utilise it properly.

For this first exercise, I have given my blog layout a total makeover. I've changed templates, colours, fonts and added a photo as well as more profile information. I've also added the search gadget because I thought it would be a good idea for the future (when I've blogged so much that I need to search for topics). I'll be interested to see other people's thoughts.

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